(Audio) Do you experience the phenomenon of emotional backdraft?


After we recorded A Guide to Understanding AngerI had a niggling sense that there was an important question I'd missed. It was this: why is it that when everything is going well, I start to worry about everything that could go wrong and get a surge of discomfort?

So, Catherine Robson, who helps me pull together all these recordings, and I sat down to explore this question and the phenomenon known in the world of Mindful Self-Compassion as backdraft

When we begin to show ourselves self-compassion, the pain can often increase at first. Just as when everything is going right, we often worry about the future or get a surge of anger or discomfort.

As Dr Kristen Neff says, “Love reveals everything unlike itself.”

Backdraft is a firefighting term that describes when a door or window is opened or shattered in a burning building – the oxygen rushes in, giving the flames new fuel, and the flames burst out. The same is true when you open the doors to your heart.

Listen to this short audio recording where I speak to Catherine about what backdraft is and why it occurs. You may be familiar with the scenarios and examples we discuss... 

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What is backdraft and why does it occur?
Interview with Renée van der Vloodt

If you enjoyed this recording and want to learn more, take a look at my online shop where you'll find A Guide to Understanding Anger and other audio guides. 


About Renée

Renée van der Vloodt ( M.A. , FHGI ) is a psychotherapist and coach – and has had a private practice for over 20 years, which is now based in Woodchurch (near Ashford), Kent. She also works with people around the world via online sessions.

Renée works with children and adults as a coach and therapist to help them overcome life's challenges and emotional difficulties including stress, burnout, anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anger or addictive behaviour.

Renée is a regular contributor to Breathe Magazine and the author of the CD Calm the Chaos of the Creative Mind.

Book a session with Renée » 


AUDIO: Do you struggle to implement healthy changes in your life?

AUDIO: Do you struggle to implement healthy changes in your life?

There are many reasons why we may find it hard to reach a personal goal or to get a new project off the ground. One thing is for sure – labelling yourself with a derogatory term isn’t going to solve this problem.

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AUDIO: How to break out of your irritable mood

When you're feeling irritable and snappy, it can feel like you've drifted far away from yourself.

With the added pressure and uncertainty of life, we lash out at our partners, family or co-workers. But how to break out of your bad mood?

The answer lies in 'returning home' – back to your kind, resourceful self. 

Below is practical, guided exercise I use with clients to help them reconnect with their inner resources. The more you strengthen your connection to your calm and wise inner voice, the more "bounce" you'll develop and the quicker you'll be able to snap out of your moods. 

How to break out of your irritable mood
Renée van der Vloodt

Keep coming back to this exercise when you need a tool to help you when you're feeling snappy – and let me know how you get on! 





This practical workshop is for health professionals, teachers, line managers, and anyone interested in truly comprehending and learning to deal with this most misunderstood of our human emotions.

This workshop will give you: 

Up-to-date insights and understanding            

  • New insights into the real causes of (excessive) anger that often go unnoticed — even by health care professionals

  • Understanding of the upside of anger

  • Ways to identify the patterns of angry behaviour and an insight into the different and often hidden ways anger disorders manifest themselves including subversive behaviour

  • The latest scientific understanding of how anger is generated and how chronic anger affects physical and emotional health

  • and much more!

About Renée

Renée van der Vloodt ( M.A. , FHGI ) is a psychotherapist and coach – and has had a private practice for over 20 years, which is now based in Woodchurch (near Ashford), Kent. She also works with people around the world via online sessions.

Renée works with children and adults as a coach and therapist to help them overcome life's challenges and emotional difficulties including stress, burnout, anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anger or addictive behaviour.

Renée is a regular contributor to Breathe Magazine and the author of the CD Calm the Chaos of the Creative Mind.


Creative Minds - Just What Society Needs

Creative Minds - Just What Society Needs

Our human minds are uniquely precious and civilisation would not have developed, if it wasn’t for our ability to imagine, create and wonder at our place in the universe. Listen to a chapter of the CD and hear why creative minds are just what society needs. 

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Time to Talk - Interview on Mental Health and the Creative Mind

Time to Talk - Interview on Mental Health and the Creative Mind

Today, Thursday February 5th, is Time to Talk Day - an initiative led by Time to Change and other organisations, to encourage us to take just 5 minutes to talk about mental health.  In this 5 minute interview, I discussed the state of creative people in the world today, why we need you and one small thing you can do this week to improve your own emotional health.

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FREE AUDIO: The Constant Paradox of the Creative Mind

FREE AUDIO: The Constant Paradox of the Creative Mind

Creative minds are often buried under stress symptoms such as depression or anxiety. The talents are not recognised and people are confused about the contradictions. For instance, why can someone be in the zone, utterly absorbed one moment and yet distractible, forgetful and shambolic the next? Partners or parents lose patience, and creative minds themselves struggle through life tormented by feelings of guilt.

Listen to this extract from the CD, 'Calm the Chaos of the Creative Mind' to learn more.

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