FREE AUDIO: The Constant Paradox of the Creative Mind

Creative minds are often buried under stress symptoms such as depression or anxiety. The talents are not recognised and people are confused about the contradictions.

For instance, why can someone be in the zone, utterly absorbed one moment and yet distractible, forgetful and shambolic the next? Partners or parents lose patience, and creative minds themselves struggle through life tormented by feelings of guilt.

Prescriptions for anti-depressant drugs in the UK have gone up by more than 40% in the last 4 years. The World Health Organisation predicts that by 2020 depression will be the second largest cause of death worldwide. We are creating a world that’s not liveable in – and creative people offer hope for alternative ideas.

Listen to The Constant Paradox: Talents and Difficulties of the Creative Mind below – or download it for free. 

The Constant Paradox: Talents and Difficulties of the Creative Mind
Renée van der Vloodt

This is a free chapter from my audio CD, Calm the Chaos of the Creative Mind

My hope is that you will help you recognise yourself and the enormous and divergent talents present and as well as the unique challenges which are part of the parcel.

Calm the Chaos of the Creative Mind Audio CD

Embark on a journey of self-discovery with me on this CD as we explore the creative mind before moving into practical steps for laying the foundation of well-being, understanding the 5 common challenges of creative people – and forming a self-management plan.