Supporting Neurodiversity in Children

In spite of all the understanding now available about our different learning styles and calls for inclusivity, we are still a long way off from properly accommodating neurodiverse children in school.

In my recent interview with family therapist Miriam Chachamu, I discuss how to support dyslexic children in ways that will strengthen their emotional wellbeing and resilience.

You can watch the video here:

It is high time to reassess our educational system which is still too focussed and biased towards the learning style of some and thereby disqualifying large numbers whose talents and learning styles differ from the norm.

By raising our awareness and making room for difference, every community will be healthier and enriched.


How to help a dyslexic child at home

In this blog, you’ll learn of dyslexics strengths and their styles of thinking as well as how to help a dyslexic child at home, whilst also nurturing their talents.

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In the Press: Let's Talk about Stress (for Teenagers and Parents)

In the Press: Let's Talk about Stress (for Teenagers and Parents)

Six in every 10 students say they experience levels of stress that interfere with everyday life (YouGov Survey, 2016) and there’s no reason to be embarrassed. But how do you recognise stress, and what can you do if it feels like it’s just too much?

Teen Breathe asked Renée van der Vloodt, who regularly helps young adults to manage life’s trials, and the first thing we learned – it’s good to talk.

Read and download the full article – as featured in Teen Breathe – for free.

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In the Press: All we need is...

Nature predisposes us to thrive and flourish.

Yet more and more people are struggling to find their place in the world, and mental health problems are on the increase. What do we need to reverse the trend and to build health, happiness and resilience into the fabric of our lives?

Maslow and, more recently, the Human Givens Paradigm offer us real answers that are in keeping with the rules of nature to which we are subject. Rather than looking immediately at stress-related symptoms, they suggest we first take a step back and look at the bigger picture: getting our emotional needs met.

In Issue 5 of Breathe Magazine, I explore our nine emotional needs and how you can get them met.

Pick up a copy of the magazine, available in all good stockists or online – or download the article (with the most beautiful illustrations) above.

AUDIO: How to break out of your irritable mood

When you're feeling irritable and snappy, it can feel like you've drifted far away from yourself.

With the added pressure and uncertainty of life, we lash out at our partners, family or co-workers. But how to break out of your bad mood?

The answer lies in 'returning home' – back to your kind, resourceful self. 

Below is practical, guided exercise I use with clients to help them reconnect with their inner resources. The more you strengthen your connection to your calm and wise inner voice, the more "bounce" you'll develop and the quicker you'll be able to snap out of your moods. 

How to break out of your irritable mood
Renée van der Vloodt

Keep coming back to this exercise when you need a tool to help you when you're feeling snappy – and let me know how you get on! 





This practical workshop is for health professionals, teachers, line managers, and anyone interested in truly comprehending and learning to deal with this most misunderstood of our human emotions.

This workshop will give you: 

Up-to-date insights and understanding            

  • New insights into the real causes of (excessive) anger that often go unnoticed — even by health care professionals

  • Understanding of the upside of anger

  • Ways to identify the patterns of angry behaviour and an insight into the different and often hidden ways anger disorders manifest themselves including subversive behaviour

  • The latest scientific understanding of how anger is generated and how chronic anger affects physical and emotional health

  • and much more!

About Renée

Renée van der Vloodt ( M.A. , FHGI ) is a psychotherapist and coach – and has had a private practice for over 20 years, which is now based in Woodchurch (near Ashford), Kent. She also works with people around the world via online sessions.

Renée works with children and adults as a coach and therapist to help them overcome life's challenges and emotional difficulties including stress, burnout, anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anger or addictive behaviour.

Renée is a regular contributor to Breathe Magazine and the author of the CD Calm the Chaos of the Creative Mind.


Celebrate with Generosity of Spirit

Celebrate with Generosity of Spirit

Like Tennessee Williams, ‘I have always depended on the kindness of strangers.’

This is not to say that I haven’t been particularly blessed with a loving family and extraordinary friends, but it is that ‘uncalled for’ generosity and connection to me and my fate that has deepened my sense of belonging, by being made to feel that my life matters.

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The Hidden Face of Anger

The Hidden Face of Anger

Subtle and subversive bullying tactics are rife in families, organisations and in society at large. How often have you come across the ‘polite’ cold shoulder or other blanking tactics, the perpetually sullen face or malicious gossip thinly disguised as concern?  What about manipulation through ‘illness’, or other forms of sabotage?

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How to keep your anxiety in check

How to keep your anxiety in check

Learn how to keep your anxiety in check with this guide – PLUS download your free printable poster with a helpful acronym to help you (even when you're busy or on the move). 

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Supportive Parents: 5 Ways to be more whole-heartedly present for your child

Supportive Parents: 5 Ways to be more whole-heartedly present for your child

When a parent becomes present for her child in a whole-hearted way, the child’s whole autonomic nervous system can calm down. The resulting openness will enable him to stay connected and think creatively about any of the challenges he faces. He’ll experience what it’s like to be the master of his own ship.

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Why bother? Rekindle your sense of meaning and joy [ Audio Blog]

Why bother? Rekindle your sense of meaning and joy [ Audio Blog]

Do you sometimes feel disheartened or distressed? Feelings of gloom can descend upon us depending on what’s going on in our lives; sometimes things just seem to be conspiring against us! Or, perhaps you have a child with ‘why bother’ attitude… 

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Dear Renée: How do I help a dyslexic child regulate their emotions?

Dear Renée: How do I help a dyslexic child regulate their emotions?

Parents expect me focus on the dyslexia and not on their relationship with their child. How do I help a child to regulate his emotions when he lives in what is effectively a ‘toxic’ home environment?

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The Hidden Causes of Anger

The Hidden Causes of Anger

Anger has evolved as a defensive survival mechanism and when used appropriately it allows for a vital response. In our stressful modern world, inappropriate expressions of anger are becoming more and more frequent, however. When anger flares up uncontrollably or chronically, it indicates that our lives our out of balance and is a sign that we need to address the angry behaviour.

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8 essential steps to reduce your child's anger

8 essential steps to reduce your child's anger

Society at large is getting more aggressive and there are many factors that contribute to the rise of angry behaviour. Children copy what they see others do. Anger is often a sign of frustration and overwhelm.  It’s what happens when we are unaware of how far we’ve drifted off from our natural state of well-being.

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How to help your child stay connected to their intuition

How to help your child stay connected to their intuition

Intuition is like radar that picks up signals and leads you to the right place at the right time.  Children come into the world naturally connected to that inner voice which speaks to us without words. Read this post to discover how to help your children stay connected to this important guide...

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How to connect with your inner voice

How to connect with your inner voice

We all have an inner compass, our very own guide, always on the look-out and engaged in the process of helping us stay alive and lead a life worthy of who we are and what we have to bring to the world. Could there be a better moment than right now, as a new year lies invitingly ahead, to be reminded of that particular strength and to make a conscious effort to reconnect with your own inner voice?

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Why Dyslexia is a GIFT to Creativity

Why Dyslexia is a GIFT to Creativity

Dyslexic people do not think in words. They do not filter their experience of life through language, but rather through images and feelings in the first place. This holistic process is not steered or predetermined by the linear or sequential constraints of language.

Noticing more than others or seeing things differently than others makes dyslexics unusual, unexpected, off-the-wall at times and always creative. 

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How to Address your Child’s Fear of Death and Dying

How to Address your Child’s Fear of Death and Dying

Sooner or later it’s bound to happen. Your child’s imagination will hone in on the impermanence of life and the certainty that you - her parent - will die sometime. For some, this insight can become an obsession and before you know it you have a fearful child on your hands - clingy, unwilling to go to bed alone and unable to sleep.

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A Quick-Fire Guide to Managing Stress and Anxiety

A Quick-Fire Guide to Managing Stress and Anxiety

Successful stress management is easier than you think but we often need reminders when we are in the midst of it. 

This guide has been created to do just that – to remind you of things you can do to calm down, get your needs met and connect to others and yourself when you're feeling stressed.

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Anxiety and Stress in Gifted Children

Anxiety and Stress in Gifted Children

You might think that a gifted child has it made - clever, intuitive, original. But for far too many such children their very talents make it difficult for them to fit in to the education system they find themselves in. If you're a parent of a gifted child, read on to see how you can help them get their needs met...

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Creative children - how can we support them?

Creative children - how can we support them?

What can we do to support our creative children to keep them in touch with their inner compass? What can we do to help them build resilience and minimise risks of stress, anxiety and depression? Read this blog to discover some helpful tips on how to support creative children... 

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