Are you sound sensitive?

Are you sound sensitive?

 Have you ever turned the radio on, determined to listen to the news or weather forecast, and next thing you know it’s over - and you didn’t take in a word. A nuisance maybe, but quite painless otherwise.

Creative people - think dyslexia, AD(H)D, autism - are known to struggle with the written language: reading and writing.

We are less aware of quite how sound sensitive they can be. This they have in common with HSP (Highly Sensitive People) and strongly affects how they process sound.

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“What is wrong with you?!” - The Highly Sensitive Person

“What is wrong with you?!” - The Highly Sensitive Person

Recent research findings by leading experts in the field show that HPSs - or highly sensitive people - manifest more neurological brain activity when exposed to other people’s feelings, or pictures of emotions in others, than the average person.

About 20% of the population 'suffers' - and often quietly so - from these high levels of sensitivity. Growing up as an HSP can be difficult and confusing. Over-sensitivity and the fussing that can go with it, is seen as a flaw in western culture.

Find out more about Highly Sensitive People, tips and further reading in this post.

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Become more Stress Aware [ VIDEO INTERVIEW ]

Become more Stress Aware [ VIDEO INTERVIEW ]

Have you ever asked yourself how stress-resilient you are?

What are the things you do when the pressure rises? Do you nail bite, over-eat or –drink, become anxious or irritable? And do you spot the signs early enough to take action and avert the symptoms that herald more serious stuff ahead? We all need to stay informed about the many faces of stress-related symptoms.

Join me and hear what my Human Givens colleague, stress expert Emily Gajewski, has to say about self-harming and how to deal with it.

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8 Gift Ideas for a Compassionate Christmas

8 Gift Ideas for a Compassionate Christmas

Across the globe the December month stands for giving. It invites us to be generous and mindful of others. Are Black Friday and Cyber Monday proof of this generosity or indications that we have lost the heart of what makes this season so special? 

Christmas invites us to engage in the wishes of our friends and family and to reach out to those less fortunate, suffering from loneliness, illness or poverty. 

The question is whether our gifts need to be material. Are there other ways for our presents to be meaningful and lasting? If you too, are eager to have a more loving, compassionate Christmas then read on… 

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Tom's Story | Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in the Military

Tom's Story | Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in the Military

One in four homeless people is a former member of the armed services. Over 20,000 veterans are in jail or on probation.*

 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is very real - and something we cannot begin to imagine. We are unable to comprehend the trauma but we can support those who are suffering.

I went to visit Tom, who was in Northern Ireland and the first Gulf War, and he told me his story. In this short video, we hear of the outstanding transformation his life took once he sought the help of PTSD Resolution.  

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Living at the Extremes – Is this you?

Living at the Extremes – Is this you?

Do you spend your life living at the extremes? Up or down. Black or white. 

The inner life of the AD(H)D experience, or that of the gifted creative person, can feel as turbulent and unpredictable as the sea itself. Let us explore the effects of living at the extremes and understand what we can do to sail on calmer waters. 


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Healing Heroes with Suzie Jennings [VIDEO INTERVIEW]

Healing Heroes with Suzie Jennings [VIDEO INTERVIEW]

Suzie Jennings, founder of Heroes at Ease, the first yoga programme specifically for wounded military, explains how yoga helps war veterans in overcoming PTSD.

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The Virtues of Monotasking

The Virtues of Monotasking

 Do you have trouble focusing? Does your memory often fail you? Creative people especially get more easily distracted, than anyone else; particularly if the task in hand does not come easily or seems less worthwhile.

Read on to discover how mono-tasking can help you better live up to your potential by improving the quality of your attention and power of concentration.

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The Value of Mindfulness with Sandra Tideman [VIDEO INTERVIEW]

The Value of Mindfulness with Sandra Tideman [VIDEO INTERVIEW]

Why has mindfulness become so popular?

Mindfulness practitioner and teacher Sandra Tideman-van Nispen explains in our video interview.

“Everyone who practices mindfulness regularly will find it brings a lot of benefits in life. It seems that particularly in the fast developing technological and modern digital world that we live in, we need it. Because nowadays most of the people most of the time actually train in mindlessness and restlessness!

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The Danger of Over-Simplification [VIDEO]

The Danger of Over-Simplification [VIDEO]

As Einstein said, “Everything must be made as simple as possible. But not any simpler. "

Chimamanda Adichie’s presentation ‘The Danger of Single Story’ has become one of the 20 most viewed TED talks. In it she warns of the dangers of over-simplification. It makes me think of our hunger for instant fixes and the desire to achieve this by effortless consumption.

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The Company you Keep

The Company you Keep

A client recently, complained about wanting to be herself; she was tired of a lifetime of playing different roles, as she saw it. “I still don’t know who I really am,” she bemoaned. “It makes me feel so disingenuous too.”

In extreme cases such a dilemma might require more serious help but often, as here, a different light shed on the matter is all that is needed for someone to see herself as a ‘relational’ being – constantly shaping and being shaped by those around her.

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Personal Leadership for All

Personal Leadership for All

Child psychologist John Bowlby suggested that life is best organised as a series of daring ventures from a secure base. 

The question, of course, is how to go about securing the safety. What helps people feel safe?

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Achieve Wellness with Judy Malloy [VIDEO INTERVIEW]

Achieve Wellness with Judy Malloy [VIDEO INTERVIEW]

To achieve lasting well-being we must acknowledge that the mind and body are one. The body gives us messages about the mind and vice versa. Join me in this interview with my good friend Judy Malloy where we talk about black boxes, how our body tells a story and why Descartes may not have had it right.

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Harnessing the Intuitive Mind [VIDEO]

Harnessing the Intuitive Mind [VIDEO]

Einstein called the intuitive mind a ‘sacred gift’ and the rational mind a ‘faithful servant’. Iain McGilchrist (author of  ’The Master and his Emissary’) comments that we have created a society that honours the servant but has forgotten the gift.

Listen to Iain McGilchrist discussing the brain on his TED talk here.

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Unsung Heroes with Tony Gauvain [VIDEO INTERVIEW]

Unsung Heroes with Tony Gauvain [VIDEO INTERVIEW]

Listen to Colonel Tony Gauvain (retired) whose special work I’d like to celebrate and bring to your attention. Tony co-founded the charity PTSD Resolution with Piers Bishop, to help veterans suffering from the aftereffects of their military experience.

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The Power of Private Time

The Power of Private Time

If you experience your life as a constant barrage of ‘must-do’s’ and demands set by other people – teachers, colleagues, family members, the tax-man or the inbox of your emails – it’s time to stop and change things.

You don’t have to feel trapped. A small change can make a huge difference in how you feel...

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Finding the Common Thread

Finding the Common Thread

After 10 years as a human givens therapist, it still fascinates me that what at first sight seem to be diverse threads to a person's story are so often in some deep sense connected. 

Lucy’s experience beautifully illustrates my point, as the resolution of her seemingly disparate problems came from information she offered me as an aside, a sort of throwaway remark. This is her story as she tells it, focusing on the elements that were most remarkable for her. Afterwards, I offer my own comments...

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