Skype Coaching and Therapy
Online coaching or therapy using Skype (or Facetime) has become a very popular way of working as it suits certain types of of situations very well:
workplace coaching for individuals suffering with stress or underperformance
parents of challenging children who need regular sessions – often of 30 minutes – to focus on specific difficulties as they arise
teenagers or young adults: we might meet a few times first and then keep in touch via Skype to work on very specific challenges, such as relational difficulties, time-management or other (organisational) study skills
creatives: once we have met, dealt with underlying difficulties and set out goals, these online coaching sessions can be very supportive in seeing through the desired changes.
To explore whether online coaching or therapy is right for you (or your child) and your situation, please contact me to arrange an initial free 15 minute call.
As well as one-to-one therapeutic coaching sessions for dyslexic children and adults, I offer (online) coaching sessions to help parents support their dyslexic offspring. To get in touch to discuss how we can work together, click here.
“The sessions brought my stress levels down very much. I learned a lot about myself and feel so much less anxious. My working life has received a boost. ”
“Thank you for those 2 sessions. They helped greatly. I can see how out of proportion my rage can be and am working with the skills I learned. Feeling quite liberated.”
“A huge relief to share my fears and concerns. I now see my own unconventional life journey as a ‘unique selling point’, rather than as a short-coming. ”