Children with AD(H)D

A child with AD(H)D sees more, notices more and feels more than others. As US expert Dr Hallowell says, they have Ferrari engines for brains, capable of great things, but on the down side they often only have bicycle brakes.

With the right support, your child can develop better brake capability so that he can gain focus and better control over his thoughts and actions.

Below are the details of the approach that I take with children who need support. If you would like to talk to me about your child and any concerns you have, please contact me here

An alternative approach to AD(H)D

Too many modern children are diagnosed with AD(H)D thereby medicalising symptoms that can often be addressed in an alternative, more constructive, way.

Parents might be worried and puzzled about their child's symptoms:

  • inconsistency of behaviour
  • impulsive and inappropriate behaviour
  • aggression and/or anxiety
  • contradictions: sensitivity vs insensitivity, lack of focus vs hyperfocus
  • poor time-management and/or organizational skills

With the right specialist support, children can develop and master the skills to manage these common symptoms of AD(H)D and parents can learn how to nurture their talents. 

Treating AD(H)D: Harness the Gift


Whether we talk about AD(H)D, giftedness, right-brain thinkers, indigo or new age children – these children are different from the norm in that they ask questions, have a strong sense of justice; they are creative, see the big picture and have their own way of doing things. They are ‘out of the box’ in many ways.

Their unique qualities often don’t come to light in a conventional school environment and the attention they receive can be focused on their ‘bad’ behaviour.

So, we help children unearth, value and build upon their distinctive gifts. These can range from intelligence, kindness, empathy to problem-solving skills, musical gifts and curiosity, to name but a few.

Get the child’s emotional needs met

Human beings whose emotional needs are not met in balance develop all manner of symptoms that will further undermine their natural ability to function and flourish.

Many children with symptoms of AD(H)D feel out of control much of the time. They receive too much negative attention, have no sense of privacy or that they properly belong. Often there seems little point to what’s expected of them. They rarely feel safe.

Supporting parents and teachers in helping the child get her needs met, is crucial. This in itself will help the child calm down and thereby enable her to think things through more clearly.

Deal with possible unresolved trauma

Imaginative, impressionable children take things to heart very easily. They often suffer from unresolved trauma or overwhelming experiences which keep them aroused and vigilant, resulting in symptoms of anxiety or volatility.

Once these memories have been neutralized a child will calm down and be more present in the moment; less likely to jump to conclusions or fly off the handle at the slightest provocation. We use unobtrusive procedures like the visual-kinesthetic ‘rewind’ technique, stories and other methods to calm down quickly.

To read about how a young boy overcame his nightmares click here 

Teach self-management skills to recognize and overcome triggers

Sensitive, intuitive children can be taught to recognize situations that spark off the cascade of unwanted behaviours and to harness themselves, rehearsing more appropriate responses. Such children can learn to be more rational when necessary.

A child can learn to use his body as an ally, paying attention to signals that point to agitation or anger long before it has erupted. He can also use his body to calm down. Useful skills can include social and organizational skills.

Working with these children can be like a rollercoaster ride! The rewards are huge: seeing them acquire a sense of self-worth, connection to others and delight in their own uniqueness. 

P is now fantastic. He is unrecognisable form the scatterbrain of five years ago and is a really sensible citizen!
— Headmaster of Yehudi Menuhin School about A-Level Student