The talents of the creative mind are more called for than ever before.
Yet many creative children do not get recognised as such and fall by the wayside before their lives have fully begun. Creative adults often fall far short of fulfilling their potential as they struggle with anxiety, stress, depression, addiction and the shame of it all. The cost to the economy through sick leave and illness is huge.
We now know that the human mind is not fixed. By learning to use it differently, it changes. It is, as Dan Siegel says, a constant ‘embodied and relational process’.
The best expression of ourselves comes from learning to integrate our internal resources in a balanced way while connecting with others and our environment.
Encouraged and inspired by my clients, I produced a resource based on two decades of working directly with creative people. "Calm the Chaos of the Creative Mind", an audio CD which was released in 2014, forms the foundation of the talks and workshops I deliver for creative minds.
It is my greatest pleasure to continue to work and support creatives.
If this resonates, please contact me - I would love to hear about you and your ideas.
In my bespoke talks and workshops on the Creative Mind you can expect to learn:
- The ‘human givens’ - the balance between our emotional needs and inborn resources;
- The crucial role of emotion in perception and learning;
- How the stress cycle works and its detrimental effect on sleep and emotional health;
- How to balance up the left-brain, the right-brain and emotions.
You will learn skills to:
- Calm down and slow down - to connect more with what’s really going on;
- Focus better;
- Develop an attitude of openness and curiosity to counter the rigidity of fixed thinking and perfectionism;
- Break out of a life of extremes - to break the black-white style of thinking and behaving;
- Improve genuine communication with others and feel more connected;
- Strengthen a sense of personal identity;
- Improve organisational and time management;
- Develop a more balanced life for your Creative Mind.
Who are the workshops and talks for?
- For employers, educators, healthcare psychologists and therapists
- For parents and creatives themselves
- For anyone wishing to transcend the limitations of diagnoses such as dyslexia and AD(H)D, discover the related talents, learn to mobilise these and broaden their view.
“ Inspirational and fun - thank you!”
“A timely reminder of how urgent the need is for an improved awareness of how turbulent and chaotic the life with a creative mind can be!”
“A real eye-opener. I learned so much!”